The Other Book presents
I wanna be sedated
Matt Plezier at HOK
26 May – 4 June 2022
I wanna be sedated
The Other Book welcomes visual artist Matt Plezier and his imprint MonoRhetorik, to The Other Book’s spring 2022 edition.
Matt Plezier is a self-taught visual artist whose work reflects on issues of alienation, anonymity, (in)visibility and ways of constructing and disseminating narratives. It mirrors his own multi-cultural background and provides its viewer a different narrative in an unambiguous and sometimes confrontational form. Self-publishing through his imprint, MonoRhetorik, is a major part of his art practice. His process includes the experimentation with printing techniques, (appropriated) photography, and collages. Recurring themes are: raving, punk/hardcore and queer cultures.
In his work Matt Plezier references punk as a source of inspiration. Punk’s quality was that it has no filter: when Patti Smith was asked about the definition of punk, her answer was short: “Punk is freedom”. In a world full of distractions, self absorption and a quest for perfection, punk seeks to confront the status quo. During his exhibition I wanna be sedated at HOK, Matt Plezier will present two new publications; one a facsimile collection of old Dutch punk fanzines from 1977-1980: ‘Not Another Rotten Punk Book’ and his own ‘I wanna Be Sedated’, with reworked images he found. The exhibition will include prints from the books and other works.
Join us for the opening of I wanna be sedated on Thursday 26 May, 19h00.
You can also find Matt Plezier and his imprint MonoRhetorik at The Other Book fair, that takes place at Quartair 27-29 May.
Thursday 26 May, 19h00
Exhibition runs till 4 June 2022