Arpsianism – A Lesson in Darkness

Exhibition and newspaper release by cut-up collective Arpsianism.

9/8/2019 -24/8/2019
Vernissage Friday 9 August 19h00
with a performance by Dominique Manu

The first POP UP brings Arpsianism around with: The ARPSIANIST.
Arpsianism is an art movement collaboratively founded and perpetuated by HOK’s artist-in-residence Lula Valletta and Mr. Pelham. During the exhibition the newspaper will be launched.




Arpsianism salutes Georg Kolbe.
Arpsianism is concerned with blobs.
Arpsianism is Dada Riso.
Continuing where the hobbyhorses left off.
Foldability is a must.
Arpsianism carries the colors of Anarchism, De Stijl and the Nazi’s, which happen to be the same.
Criss-cross: swap meanings.
Making the best of leftovers.
Arpsianism is layer upon layer of missionary printing.
F*ck Perfectionism.

Link to Facebook Event